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Air Conditioning Repair Information

How can we help?


  • Should you repair or replace your air conditioner?

    Often minor repairs can get your aircon up and running. However, if your air conditioner doesn’t have the same cooling efficiency as before or if it has stopped working completely - you might want to check your options. Getting an old air conditioner fixed, again and again, is definitely not w...

  • What air conditioning temperature setting is best?

    Did you know making small changes in your air conditioning habits can help you save money? According to Ergon Energy, setting your aircon 1-2 de...

  • Using air conditioning for heating

    If you are living in Brisbane, you would understand how peculiar the weather conditions are. In summer, it is too humid and sticky and in winter it is so cold. In summers the remedy is simple - staying indoors with the aircon blasting on full. But how do you stay warm in the winter? A reverse ...

  • Dangers of mould in air conditioning

    Are you breathing clean and fresh air? We can often forget the importance of maintaining decent indoor air quality. When your aircon is not cleaned, it can spew out mould, bacteria and other airborne particles. These particles can affect your breathing and cause serious health issues....

  • Can Coronavirus Spread through Air Conditioning?

    Masks, ventilation and vaccination are our best bets against coronavirus. With the emergence of the delta variant and its impact on children, we need to follow mitigation strategies indoors and outdoors to lower the risk of exposure. The heat drives people indoors and you are more likely to to...


  • Does my air conditioner need regassing?

    Is your aircon blowing warm air? Or can you see ice building up on the system? Perhaps you hear strange noises coming from your outdoor unit. If you notice any of these signs, chances are you could require aircon regassing. Home AC’s generally do not require regassing. Why? ...

  • Common Air Conditioner Faults

    Is your aircon not working? Or is it blowing warm air? Air conditioners are more prone to breakdowns during summer and they are more likely to fail if they haven’t been serviced regularly. When your air conditioner stops functioning, it could be a small issue or a big one. Depending on t...

  • Who fixes air conditioners?

    You don't need to put up with the heat or cold So your air conditioner is on the blink, and you are really feeling the heat or cold, who do you call to come to your rescue for aircon repairs?  Imagine coming home after a long day out in the sun thinking you will be able to...

  • How to troubleshoot my air conditioner

    Troubleshooting is a very valuable action to take to resolve common issues you may experience with your air conditioner. It will help you to identify and resolve problems in most instances without the help of a tradesperson or technician.  Troubleshooting is easier than you might t...

  • Signs my air conditioner needs to be repaired

    Oh NO, having problems with your AC? With a staggering three out of four Queensland homes relying on air conditioning systems for indoor climate control, it's no surprise that when these systems malfunction, homeowners seek prompt and cost-effective solutions. There is nothing more fr...

  • Why is my air conditioner not cooling?

    Is your air conditioner running continuously but failing to provide the desired cooling? If you find yourself in a situation where your air conditioner is running but not cooling your space, it can be quite frustrating, especially during the hot...


  • Guide to the run air conditioning efficiently

    How to save money on air conditioning? Temperatures are rising every year, and so are the electricity prices! While we all want to stay cool in summer, using air conditioners can cost a lot. Luckily there are some ways to run your air conditioner better and also save on rising ele...

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